Danse élargie 2024
This 8th edition of Danse élargie have been a moment of great collective joy, we couldn't hope for better come back into our walls!
Thank you to our the finalists.
Thank you to all the staff of Théâtre de la Ville.
Thank you to our partners.
Thank you to the large audience!
Watch the live streaming of the first day of competition!
The live of the Crash Test and the Award Ceremony | Sunday 16 June
The teaser
© Readymade factory - Editing Josselin Carré
This 8th edition of Danse élargie is organised by Théâtre de la Ville, Boris Charmatz and [terrain], Fondation d’entreprise Hermès, Cndc - Angers, directed by Noé Soulier and Comédie de Valence - CDN Drôme-Ardèche, directed by Marc Lainé
The competition receives the support of the ministère de la Culture - Direction Générale Artistique, the patronage of the Caisse des Dépôts, of the SACD, the French Institute and the région Île-de-France.

The digital project of the competition is part of Théâtre de la Ville's projet 21 supported by the French government as part of France 2030 "Expérience augmentée du spectacle vivant", operated by Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts)